Monday, November 10, 2014

Contoh Text MC Bahasa Inggris Acara Pembukaan Akreditasi Sekolah

السلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته
                Beberapa waktu yang lalu, aku di daulat untuk mejadi MC dadakan di acara pembukaan visitasi akreditasi di sekolahku. Dan yang bikin ‘wow’ nya itu, aku diharuskan untuk membawakan acara dengan bahasa inggris! :o Jadi kerepotan sendiri bikin text mc nya.. u.u Alhasil, dengan waktu yang singkat, inilah text MC Bahasa  Inggris Pembukaan Visitasi Akreditasi yang di susun oleh ku dan bu guru bahasa inggrisku (Thanks, miss Mega! ^_^)

السلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته
Welcome to all assesor team, Mr. ____ and Mrs. ____.
Welcome to Mr/Mrs. ____ from educational department ____(kota kamu) city.
Excelency : Mr./Mrs. ____(nama Ketua yayasan kamu) as head foundation of ____(nama yayasan kamu).
Excelency : Mr./Mrs. ____(nama kepala sekolah kamu) as head master of ____(nama sekolah kamu).
 Honorable : All teachers and all stafs of   ____(nama sekolah kamu) whom I Love.
First of all i would like to say alhamdulillah let’s pray and thanks unto our god Allah s.w.t. who has been giving us some mercies and blessing so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation in the accreditation visitation opening of  ____(nama sekolah kamu) ____(tahun ajaran) education year.
Secondly may peace and salutaion always be given to our prophet Muhammad s.a.w. who has already guided us.
                In this beautiful morning the whole event which is passed by us as follows:
First opening,
Second reading of Al-Qurán verse,
Third receptions,
Fourth prayer,
Fifth closing.
                There for accreditation visitation of  ____(nama sekolah kamu) will be begun.
To make the time efficiently, let’s open this event together with basmallah.
We hope that this event can be passed fluently, and it can give us benefits.
                Next, the second event is reading of Al-Qurán verse which will be read by____
I’d love to invite ____ please.
We hope that Al-quán verse can give benefit especially for her/him, generally for all of us who listen it.
                The third event is receptions.
-Firstly, the reception will be given by Mr./Mrs. ____(nama kepala sekolah kamu)  as head master of ____(nama sekolah kamu) . I’d love to invite Mr. /Mrs. ____(nama kepala sekolah kamu) please.
We say thank to him.
-Secondly, the reception will be given by Mr./Mrs. ____(nama ketua yayasan kamu) as head foundation of ____(nama yayasan kamu). I’d love to invite Mr. /Mrs. ____(nama ketua yayasan kamu), Please.
We say thank to Mr./Mrs.____(nama ketua yayasan kamu).
-Thirdly, the reception will be given by Mr/Mrs . ____  as delegation from educational depatment ____(nama kota kamu) city. I’d love to invite Mr/Mrs. ____ please.
We are grateful for Mr./Mrs. ____
-The last, the reception will be given by assesor team from Mr/Mrs.____(nama assesor) i’d love to invite Mr/Mrs. ____(nama assesor), please.
We are grateful for Mr/Mrs. ____(nama assesor).
                The fourth event is payer who will be lead by Mr/Mrs .____ i’d love to invite Mr/Mrs. ____, please.
                Finally we have followed the accreditation visitation opening of ____(nama sekolah kamu) ____(tahun ajaran)  education year. Let’s close this event with say hamdallah together.

                Nah.. itulah text mc bahasa inggris pembukaan visitasi akreditasi di sekolahku. Semoga bermanfaat ya..
Di postingan selanjutnya insyaAllah aku juga akan ngepost text mc bahasa inggris penutupan visitasi akreditasi nya.
See you~ :)

1 comment:

  1. Terimakasih min informasinya, sangat bermanfaat.
    Oh ya, untuk info tambahan aja nih.
    Bagi yang membutuhkan Rental Genset untuk berbagai macam event di seluruh Indonesia bisa hubungi kami Arthur Teknik.

    Salam blogger min.
