Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Contoh Text MC Bahasa Inggris Acara Penutupan Akreditasi Sekolah

السلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته
            Annyeong..! Sesuai janjiku di postingan sebelumnya, kali ini aku datang dengan contoh text mc bahasa inggris acara penutupan akreditasi sekolah. Ini juga yang nyusun masih aku dan bu guru bahasa inggrisku. Gak banyak basa-basi, let’s take a look! 

السلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته
First of all, let’s thanks to Alloh s.w.t who still gives us mercy. so we can attend and participate in accreditation visitation closing of ____(nama sekolah kamu) ____(tahun ajaran) education year.
Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad s.a.w who has already guided us.
In this beautiful morning, the whole event which is passed by us as follows:
first thanking
Second massage and impression
Third closing foreword
Fourth prayer
Fifth closing
We would like to thank for all assesor team Mr. ____ and Mrs. ____ for their guidance. Please forgive if there are some lackness and mistakes. We hope we can correct it in the future time. Hopefully we can meet again in another time.
We are thankfull to Mr./Mrs. ____ (nama ketua rt kamu kalau beliau hadir di acara pembukaan dan penutupan visitasi akreditasi sekolah kamu) as a chairman of civil, for his participant and his coming at ____(nama sekolah kamu).
Thanks to Mr./Mrs. ____(nama ketua yayasan kamu) as head foundation of ____(nama yayasan kamu).
Thanks to Mr./Mrs. ____(nama kepala sekolah kamu) as head master of ____(nama sekolah kamu).
Thanks to all teachers and staffs of ____(nama sekolah kamu).
Before close this event let assesor team delegancy to give massage and impression about realization of visitaion accreditation at ____(nama sekolah kamu).
We are grateful to assesor team delegancy.
The closing foreword will be delivered by Mr./Mrs.____(nama kepala sekolah kamu) as head master of ____(nama sekolah kamu).
Thanks to Mr./Mrs.____(nama kepala sekolah kamu).
Be a robust wall within the whole laborious times and feel a smiling sun within the whole smart times. Every succesful person should get a failure, don’t be scared to fail as a result of failure is a succes.
Before closing this event, let’s pray together. The prayer will be lead by Mr./Mrs.____.
Let’s close the accreditation visitation of ____(nama sekolah kamu), on ___(hari), ___(tanggal) ___(bulan) ___(tahun) with hamdallah together.

Itulah text mc bahasa inggris penutupan visitasi akreditasi di sekolahku. Semoga bermanfaat! :D
See you..

1 comment:

  1. Makasih kak, sangat bermanfaat, aku ditunjuk dadakan juga buat jadi mc akreditasi hehe,
    Mudah2an semakin banyak ilmunya 😇
